Hello all friends this time I will describe about Swiss alps Energy project, and here is the discussion:
Intelligent Mining Company
Connecting the world of blockchain
with environmentally friendly mining in unused buildings in Switzerland alps and reducing power consumption through natural climatic conditions and orc power recovery systems by up to 50%.
Our mission
Swiss Alps Energy AG is the first company with revolutiner solutions to save up to 50% of its electricity costs by using mining stones that are exclusively supported by renewable energy and ORC recovery from waste heat from mining equipment. It is a solution to the global problems facing the industry. The water boiling point is much lower at high altitudes where the cube is positioned making energy recovery much more efficient. This makes mining significantly more profitable, protecting Swiss cultural heritage, and saving energy.
Swiss Alps Energy AG will hold an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in June 2018. Funds collected in the ICO will be used to finance the development and expansion of mining facilities and to acquire ownership of hydroelectric power.
Take a quick tour
Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) is a distribution-based ledger energy supplier and operator of flexible modular mining infrastructure devoted to long-term stationary use. As such, SAE maintains unused buildings in Swiss alps and uses them wisely and uninterruptedly with either the building or the environment.
Swiss Alps Energy AG is operating business of Swiss Alps Mining & Energy. Team members come from areas such as blockchain technology, crypto currency miners and application developers and hyperledger specialists, as well as civil engineers, infrastructure engineers, and energy experts. The team has successfully developed and launched several products, solutions, and applications based on blockchain technology. The company is currently through the application stage to become a member of Swiss self-financing organization (SRO).
Blockchain communities around the world are facing strong challenges due to the highly energy-intensive crypto currency mining process and blockchain-based business applications. At the same time, in the Swiss Alps, thousands of unused structures are disintegrating due to the fact that current spatial planning laws make it impossible to use housing from these buildings.
Swiss Alps Mining & Energy connects these two worlds by offering environmentally-friendly mining facilities in unused buildings in the Swiss Alps, which are supported only by renewable energy.
Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) is a distribution-based ledger energy supplier and operator of flexible modular mining infrastructure devoted to long-term stationary use. As such, SAE maintains unused buildings in Swiss alps and uses them wisely and uninterruptedly with either the building or the environment.
Swiss Alps Energy AG is operating business of Swiss Alps Mining & Energy. Team members come from areas such as blockchain technology, crypto currency miners and application developers and hyperledger specialists, as well as civil engineers, infrastructure engineers, and energy experts. The team has successfully developed and launched several products, solutions, and applications based on blockchain technology. The company is currently through the application stage to become a member of Swiss self-financing organization (SRO).
Business model
The advanced modular cube system enables Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) to build and implement mining components that are protected by dust on site. The ideal natural temperature conditions allow for easy cooling of mining facilities, leading to a reduction in energy consumption by up to 30% compared to comparable installations. The flexible and modular mining cube provides cutting-edge automation and
requires little care. The individual cubes communicate with the central management platform, which in turn monitors the cube and gives each cube the optimal parameters to maximize mining for maximum profit. The EE will lease entire cubes or individual mining capacity from SAM Cube - while at the same time ensuring highly energy-saving mining and competitive costs. SAE will also give competitors and / or individuals the possibility to lease mining facilities, and the required power may be paid in the SAM tokens.
Participate in Smart Mining Companies
Swiss Alps Energy AG will hold an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in May 2018. Funds collected at ICO will be used to finance the development and expansion of mining facilities and to acquire ownership of hydroelectric power.
The SAM Token (Sam) is the ERC20 token. It can be used as a means of payment in SAE mining and service universe and will be tradable outside the SAM platform in all relevant exchanges.
Sales Token
SAE will fund the further development of its business operations and marketing activities to promote the platform by selling Sam token sales.
Sam will be sold for bitcoin (BTC), ether (ETH), and fiat currency during personal sales.
A total of 311'011'901 token Sam (100%) will be issued on blockchain Ethereum using smart contract. Sam will comply with the ERC20 standard and will be freely transferable on the Ethereum platform. This token will be the only Sam ever published.
Token Token Specification
Sam is printed through token intelligent sales contracts and can be stored in a compatible Ethereum ERC20 wallet. They will be able to be traded outside the SAM platform, as they are the ERC20 tokens with the value attached to the exchange. The technical solution of the SAM platform consists of two main elements:
Users facing dashboards and wallets
Smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain system
All services provided by SAE and power and cube purchases can be paid in the SAM tokens.
SAM Platform
The SAM platform will provide a fully compatible Sam wallet with an existing token exchange and which allows for easy withdrawal and token purchases. The token holder Sam can also use any wallet that supports the Ethereum ERC20 contract. This wallet also offers the purchase of Sam coins with crypto currency like BTC and ETH. Users can interact with platforms via the web, desktop, and mobile devices. They can invest their Sam coins on the SAE platform to lease mining and crypto mining currencies like BTC, ETH, DASH, etc.
The platform also provides a detailed analysis of their investments and rewards. This analysis allows users to monitor how their money is used.
After the initial development of infrastructure and SAE business activities in Switzerland, expansion into foreign countries, especially in the field of renewable energy, can be imagined and desirable. The ability to pay by using crypto currency and the settlement process through smart contracts is another novelty that can further assist SAE to become an industry leader in the field of blockchain-based business models.

Team Swiss Alps Energy
The Smart Mining Company - Connecting the world of blockchain with environmentally friendly mining in unused buildings in the Swiss Alps.
Swiss Alps Mining & Energy seeks to enable the mining of environmentally friendly crypto currencies in Swiss alps. Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) is an operating business of Alpine Alps Mining & Energy. SAE is a Swiss startup company in the field of crypto and energy mining, located in Huenenberg, Canton of Zug.
Swiss Alps Energy executive team

Swiss Alps Energy Advisory Board

To find relevant details about Switzerland's current smart aAlps Energy contracts, please follow some resources for the following References:
Website :https://swissalpsmining.io/
Whitepaper :https://swissalpsmining.io/pdf/whitepaper.pdf
Twitter :https://twitter.com/swissalpsmining
Telegram :http://t.me/swissalpsminingICO
Instagram :https://www.instagram.com/swissalpsmining/
AUTHOR: Persijadays
ETH: 0xFe7e4a646ed5d69c1355A24bF8d3f5DAb567Da9d
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