EMMARES Connecting high quality email content to the recipient

EMMARES combines high-quality e-mail content with interested recipients. Encourage high quality content, low frequency, content and rating of a trade show, EMMARES represents a new value, the expanded target audience for email and spam marketer. EMMARES - E-Mail Marketing Evaluation System The system rewards highly profitable marketing e-mail (sender) and the e-mail recipient (all e-mail users).

We imagine a world in which the content of email marketing has a much higher caliber. Our service forces email marketers to consistently produce better content from time to time. A reliable evaluation helps us all to minimize spam. EMMARES will usher in a new era of email marketing. We want e-mail marketing means trust and quality in the minds of the public.

Email marketing is used for all other digital marketing channels, but its effects are not comparable to what it is. This is due to the fact that much of the content is used in email marketing, very low quality. Customers want information that marketers receive via email, but they will not accept inferior information.

By using an intelligent service from EMMARES, users can finally retrieve content marketing emails to their standard and tailor them based on their gender and area. Our mission is to play the lead role in disclosing the ability to evaluate Dynamic Content Delivery Systems and Smart.

EMMARES can potentially affect the digital advertising market by delivering the return on investment is far more important than traditional online advertising. As the first service of its kind, EMMARES offers a new approach to e-mail advertising online, adding a new dimension to e-mail marketing.

Enhance the quality of the contact list and generate prospects and new traffic marketing. Providers spend most of their budgets in this arena to achieve this goal. The most common way we are currently doing is web advertising. There are many different techniques to increase engagement, socialize and communicate with potential customers. Classic web advertising to collect e-mail addresses and permissions to send content by e-mail. Statistics and estimates show that only Google generates more than $ 19 billion in advertising. Conversion rates across a range of different channels and vary in different sectors.

Over the course of evolution, marketing tools have evolved from classic marketing and advertising methods to digital ones. This changes the core concepts of marketing. The importance of TV and media classics has diminished, and with the budget and targeted e-campaign, e-marketers can now achieve better results and become more scalable. Currently, anyone can calculate the cost per new prospect or cost per click on their website and see their conversion rate.

Email marketers use innovative techniques to measure and improve processes through the web presence. A / B testing, techniques to maximize the involvement of marketing automation or some of the most common.

But email remains the only area of ​​the web presence where the result can not be easily achieved with just one digital payment. Targeting new customers is still one of the most important goals because customers are more likely to achieve a better conversion.

This time, with the possibility of an amazing blockchain technology, we can introduce the intelligent service EMMARES, which brings the information source together with consumer information. This leads to a higher ROI and leads clearly targeted. We hope sales will be generated through email marketing for a better return on investment.


AUTHOR: Persijadays
ETH: 0xFe7e4a646ed5d69c1355A24bF8d3f5DAb567Da9d

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