NOIZ means creating another biological system in the blockchain-based advertising world using artificial intelligence, combining sponsors, distributors, and standard customers. The NOIZ system will complement the achievement of UN Social Responsibility (SDG) 3 as a fundamental test for future organizations.
The NOIZ ecosystem will be implemented in the following steps:
Advertisers are sending money to the NOIZ digital advertising platform to create digital ad campaigns.
The NOIZ token is then sent to the publisher for payment to place the ad.
NOIZ Tokens are also reserved for users who receive tokens in exchange for participating in cognitive advertising, NIKOLA.
By interacting with NIKOLA, users provide interactive data for advertisers and publishers.
Users are paid for shared data
Advertisers and publishers have the option to offer a discount to users,
users can redeem their offer with NOIZ token.
Tokens used to redeem discount coupons are forwarded to advertisers 'and publishers' impact social organizations to improve their CSR Campaigns.
Users, advertisers and publishers also have the option to directly donate their NOIZ code to social impact agencies.
Advertisers and publishers may receive performance data to report their CSR activities.
NOIZ means creating another biological system in the blockchain-based advertising world, using artificial intelligence, and incorporating regular donors, distributors, and customers. The NOIZ system will prevail in the unknown social social wars (Sgs) as the ultimate test for future organizations. NOIZ knows how to handle this problem with computerized advertising through professional proximity of experienced publicity from mobilization organizations in Dent and Ogilvy fields. NOIZ believes that non-centralized ad servers to empower teams to promote a key impetus in promoting biological systems would be the best way to create a credible publicity model for investment. Original today.
Sophisticated media is expected to reach $ 237 billion this year, or 40% of the combined broadcast market. This figure is necessary to reach $ 291 billion and half of the marketing market by 2020. However, all is not reddish on the public stage. Publishers spend about $ 16.4 billion in 2017 for a series of racketeering incentives. Indeed, that's what these bots eat. This year, this figure will reach $ 19 billion and will reach $ 22 billion by 2020. Similarly, the true locale like Google and Facebook can boycott the entire business, for example, ICO, simultaneously. There are not many fake promoters / pirates on their stage, brand sabotage and journalist reputation.
NOIZ is a commercially-based, non-centralized, AI-based and blockchain-based advocacy for:
Click Faction (for promoters) Guide to Motivation: NOIZ uses two strategies. to build cooperation with customers. Start by exchanging dynamic exchange so that customers can communicate frankly with home publicity. In addition, it provides the motive power for customers to energize on coordinated transformations or transactions.
The opposite effect of information overload (for buyers and distributors).
NOIZ empowers donors and distributors to accurately and sincerely collect and provide customer information by blocking blockchain, empowering shoppers to control the personal data they will provide. for promoters and distributors.
Ensuring the simplicity of computer advertising (for journalists and distributors)
NOIZ promotes a distributed advertising system in which donors and distributors manage their identities. They can examine the historical context of the product and look for potential power outages on all trading floors. All data is spared on blockchain.
Take responsibility for corporate social responsibility (for donors and buyers).
NOIZ will also allow journalists to participate openly in OCB (Social Impact Workers) training and set spending levels for their expenditure plans for the OSV conflict.
Recipients - Social Securities Association their entrance for an interest in practice in the field of WWS.
Strengthen the group and expand the responsibility of the disclosure model (for buyers).
The NOIZ phase will empower the assembled clients to approve or act against donors, distributors and social impact associations to avoid journalists, distributors and social associations.
using NOIZ organization.
Potential use of advertising-based token
The NOIZ Token will be a prominent feature in decentralized ad networks for various reasons. The main areas of currency apps that will be used include:
Customer incentives on behalf of advertisers
directly attract customers who have sold their surveys or personal data
Redeemed advertiser coupons for tokens
As a voting power for publishers, home advertisers and customers about advertising, content, and social impact.
For more information visit the link link below:
AUTHOR: Persijadays
ETH: 0xFe7e4a646ed5d69c1355A24bF8d3f5DAb567Da9d
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