Now every person has heard about freelancing, if you work on the Internet, it's much easier to explain to a person that you are a freelancer than to go into the complex details of your job placement, which may not be correlated with freelancing and freelance sites. However, with the freelance itself, not all is well, existing sites provide a rather inconvenient interface, which is overloaded with unnecessary attributes and prevents comfortable work, both for the customer and for the performer. In addition, they demand to provide enough information about themselves, the safety and security of which is extremely doubtful. Do not forget about the ratings, thanks to which the newcomer, whether he is at least three times the best professional in his field can not find an order, as he will be taken away by some long-liver of this site, who gained a high rating for the performance of monotonous orders. This is the project that EasyWork is going to solve.
EasyWork is a decentralized freelance site, based on the Ethereum block system, distributed registry technology ensures significantly higher security of data stored on the site. The project team assures that it has thoroughly studied the scope of providing services on the Internet, identified the most important problems and is going to solve them. Well, we wish them good luck, since I myself work in the IT field, I would like to have a convenient platform for further promotion of my services. Moreover, my services are connected with the crypto industry. In my opinion, the main problem of the freelance industry is low payment, precisely because of the curve of the rating system in which a high price tag can afford only Top Rankings. The rest also have to damp prices hard to stay at least somehow competitive. EasyWork offers its own system for evaluating orders, both on the part of customers and on the part of performers. Unfortunately, before the launch of the platform, you can not guess whether such a system will be better than the already existing one. The main perspective that I see for this site is the aggregation of the Blochein industry professionals in one place, but for this a good rating system is needed, which allows us to cut out charlatans - block consultants and other ragamuffs whose only function is to pour noodles on the customer's ears, take for this huge amount of money, and then hire real professionals in their business for balances from paying their services. I'm sure that I was not the only one who came across a bunch of middlemen in most of their orders, who took on the only function - to hire me. I would like to still have a healthy competition, in which really worth professionals get a decent salary. I hope EasyWork can realize its plans. At the moment, the project is ICO, which began just the other day on June 21, 2013 and ends on July 12, 2018. Also, when you buy tokens from June 21 to June 26, the bonus is 40%. You can buy tokens here -----> https://easywork.life/en/
Useful links:
Project website - https://easywork.life/en/
White Paper - https://easywork.life/files/WPru.pdf
Telegram EasyWork - https://t.me/EasyWorkChatENG
Telegram bubbalex.media - https://t.me/bubbalexmedia
AUTHOR: Persijadays
ETH: 0xFe7e4a646ed5d69c1355A24bF8d3f5DAb567Da9d
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