impactChoice, a company that runs renewable business concepts. Integrate Marketplace Natural Asset innovations with environmental control using Earth Token.
The rapid development of the world, making so many changes. Whether that has a positive impact on human life, or bad impact on the world. The rapid economic growth of today, it looks like two sides of a coin. However, as we can feel, there is a deterioration in the quality of our consistency towards environmental concerns.
Climate Change That Adversely Affects Humans
The most we can feel right now is the increasingly uncertain climate change. This climate change impacts not only on a group of people, but on all aspects of our environment. Climate change is a major risk to the global economy, which can affect the rate of income growth of people and countries around the world.
This climate change creates an unbroken effect of dominoes and is feared will destroy the essence of life. As with Global Warming which is a very crucial issue and still not solved. The absence of clear rules that can be guided in running a business to make a lot of environmental activists to take quick steps to maintain the stability of the world.
But this is not a problem that has no solution. A technological innovation called Blockchain will help us to solve this problem well. This technology is an innovation of the digital world that can be applied to real life. This technology will seek a balance between environmental sustainability with humans because Blockchain has been recognized to change the world.
Time to Change the World
impactChoice, a company that runs renewable business concepts. Integrate Marketplace Natural Asset innovation with environmental control. Owns an ICO project called Earth Token and has a great vision and mission to work on potential business that is currently not fully utilized. A business that has the Platform blockchain Natural Asset Exchange and Earth Token cryptocurrency that allows all stakeholders to be involved in this chain of business development processes. The merger between Natural Asset Exchange and Earth Tokenn will serve to boost demand for Natural Assets through the provision of smart and unique solutions to environmental sustainability.
impactChoice sees huge market potential in this Sustainability type industry. There is an asset value of USD $ 120 trillion that can be utilized as a stunning business opportunity. Today many people are in droves to divest their shares of the fossil fuel industry. Recorded USD $ 5 trillion shares are divested due to the absence of application of Blockchain Natural Assets technology. Earth Token is a currency based on Ethereum that will become the next generation Blockchain protocol that makes it possible to create an internet based contract. Using Earth Token as a currency will reduce the complexity of conducting or filtering currency exchange rates, as well as significantly reducing transaction surcharges.

Earth Token, Best Currency
Earth Token is a solution that is the answer to the responsibility for climate change that is happening today. The use of the Earth Token Blockchain Platform as a payment mechanism has so many functions for industrial development, including:
Provides open, transparent and universally accessible platforms that connect Natural Asset manufacturers with buyers
Eliminating fraud and double counting of Natural Assets
Provide sellers with flexible pricing mechanisms
Reduce the complexity associated with exchange rate of fiat (fiat)
Eliminate registration fee for buyer and seller
Eliminating costs associated with external third party registrars for buyers and sellers
Eliminate the need for buyers to fund an escrow account
Eliminate the minimum transaction volume
Produce reduced transaction costs
Simultaneous compliance & settlement that reduces the timeframe between the customer order and the delivery of the final product (lead time)
Enables embedding of Natural Assets directly on products and / or services
Enabling universal access to Natural Asset Asset project investment, creating sustainable long-term, risk-adjusted returns for all participants.
Time to Act and Join
Very few parties are genuinely pleased to support environmental conservation and sustainability. impactChange invites everyone to join through this platform. This is a great and very appropriate step to preserve nature for the next generation. Blockchain technology has been proven to be able to keep every thing that has an indication of fraud. Blockchain technology is a smart innovation that will automate transparency of transactions and guaranteed security. Each transaction will be recorded in a summary of public pages containing information about asset transfers.
Everyone who will join here can spread everything about Earth Token in social media and be able to improve the social status of the awareness of sustainable environment. Surely this is a positive action to maintain the sustainability of nature. All parties throughout the community and the world, are expected to be able to support life-saving actions.
Earth Token Sales Information
Token Name: Earth Token
Ticker: ETN with type: Ethereum ERC20
Ico Schedule: 23 October 2017
Token Price:
-Pre-ICO: 5200 per 0.1 BTC / 1 ETH (30% bonus)
-3 stages in ico period:
Stage 1: 4800 per 0.1 BTC / 1 ETH (20% bonus)
Stage 2: 4400 per 0.1 BTC / 1 ETH (10% bonus)
Stage 3: 4000 per 0.1 BTC / 1 ETH
Minimum purchase: 1 ETH / 0.1 BTC
Number of tokens available: Maximum 1 Billion ETN
More information about this project:
website: https://earth-token.com/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/earthtoken/
twitter: https://twitter.com/earthtokens
This article is just a personal opinion. In any project, whether in the form of cryptocurrency or fiat, there must be potential gains and losses. The risk typically depends on the scale of inventory performed. A deep understanding of a project will greatly help to reduce the potential for such losses. So, first learn the form of investment that will be done before taking a final decision.
AUTHOR: Persijadays
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