
The development of world technology now makes our heads change. The Internet is a revolutionary service that has earned us every day by this highly developed development. The Internet has made the world now a nearly global village. The uniqueness and unique advantages of the internet that gave me the opportunity to sit and watch Bermuda, which will be the subject of today's writing while sitting on my couch at home and drinking tea. Now, accessing knowledge is as fast and fast as ever in history. In addition, one of the beauty and advantages of the internet and technology worlds gives us block-chain technology. Unfortunately, nowhere in the world can use this technology with the same speed and efficiency. In Bermuda, for example, this beautiful holiday city on the other side of the world, internet connection is very slow, with frequent breaks and overpricing, everybody's common complaints.

Horizon Communications (Horizon) - a modern platform, focuses on the introduction of advanced technologies for the existence and development of a comfortable society. The goal of the project is to ensure a stable connection of high-speed internet that already exists in 2018 at a rate of 150 MB per second. By 2019, its speed should reach 300 MB. Service is equipped not only with high-speed and stable internet connection, but also by VOIP phones and high definition cable TV in areas where consumers can not rely on reliable and high-tech services yet they need it. After successfully withdrawing the announced capital, the Horizon project plans to launch towards the end of 2018 the flagship market in Bermuda.

Communications (Horizon) has proposed a technology-based approach using next generation LTE fixed-generation to serve the named company. For more details, You all know how important a fast and secure internet connection for trading and communication with the business world. Islanders and complainants of this internet issue. In fact, they are afraid that even they will become tourism income in the near future. Here Horizon Communications (Horizon) has proposed a technology-based approach using next generation LTE fixed-generation to serve the named company. For more details, you can visit https://www.horizoncomm.co/.


Horizon's goal is to provide high-speed internet (150Mbps in 2018 and 300Mbps by 2019), high-resolution cable TV and VOIP phone service in areas where customers are currently weak, unreliable and paying high wages. Horizon investment is expected to be available in Bermuda from mid 2018 to the end. Within a few years, the service will focus on expanding into Caribbean and Central American countries.
To provide wireless high-speed wireless internet service here, Horizon will offer the best quality internet service to tourist attractions and will have the opportunity to enjoy first-class internet service that they enjoy in their own country or city. If tourists come to enjoy this tourist center, they will return as tourists again because of their best experience when combined with quality internet access.


Horizon also aims to generate gross revenue estimates of $ 43.7 million in years and an estimated $ 17.5 million in gross expenditures of $ 26.2 million, starting with the internet and small businesses for home use and capturing only 15% of this market. . Horizon will sail to a process much more profitable than planned to open mobile phone services and other markets. Horizon Communication has established the concept and wireless investment as the future of communication and chain block as the financial and data future. They will also provide customers with next generation technologies along with a wireless ISP that uses chain-block integration and high-speed data services.

Horizon aims to build three separate companies after the capital increase. They are the Horizon Global in the Cayman Islands, the Bermuda Horizon is second, Horizon BVI in third. Horizon Global will be the headquarters of companies and organizations based in the Cayman Islands where each company has its own capital. HORIZON has established a highly experienced launch team. It has put together the best selection of telecommunications, information technology and international business world for many years.


They will be very profitable for those who have the Horizon Token HRZN here. When we list some of them;

• Two-year gains will be sent to Token Owners as an option to repurchase.
• At Horizon Telecom Services, there will be a reduction for our customers who are in our coverage area and who are traveling.
• The data storage service will be able to use discounts in the data center and through future partners.
• The VPN service will be provided through Horizon and Bermuda and its sales partners at other locations.
• Once established by Horizon and telecom partners worldwide, it will be possible to reduce the cost of cellular services and data and reduce costs with SIM cards.
• Procurement services will be made with Horizon Tokens and this service will be reduced to the US dollar level when paid.
• Travel Horizon Tokens (HRZN) owners will be able to accept lower rates of Horizon (Internet, Mobile Phone, VoIP, IPTV, etc.).
• Token owners will be able to benefit from discounts on other services available to the world through the Horizon partners.


- 10% token (10 million) allocated for pre-sales.
- 60% token (60 million) will be sold on ICO.
- 16% (16 million) for the project team.
- 10% (10 million) for corporate activities and development.
- 3% - for bounty programs, public relations assignments, consultants.
- 1% token intended for charity.

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