Bitway Network

Crypto-cash extraction network The best and most profitable network for crypto-currency protection. Invest in Bitway and get monthly payments from the network! With Bitway, you will receive monthly payments to Ethereum from the mining network. The battle will be primarily the booty and Ethereum booty, but also bit-cash and Ethereum Classic


As cryptocurrencies gain widespread acceptance, they will create enormous potential for new projects and growth in the fintech space, making them extremely appealing for start-ups and investors alike. Still, the market for cryptocurrency mining is not fully realised – and the complexity of the utility (combined with concerns for maintenance and difficulties with mining) it can be a burden for many potential users. 

The future success of ryptocurrency mining relies on their widespread use. Mainstream adoption, in turn, the provision of a secure, integrated mining network that allows new users to easily participate in a cryptocurrency mining operation and benefit from the huge potentials.

There is a strong and growing demand for a well-structured mining operation that supports non-technical users, supplying them with the information, resources, and skills required to enable them to participate in the space of cryptocurrency mining.

We aim to build Bitway Network as the best and most profitable crypto mining operation.Our top priorities are simplicity, security, cost-effectiveness, speed and most importantly recurring returns on investments!In order to meet these goals, the mining network was built from the ground up with powerful ASIC miners and a secure integrated token ready tobe utilised as shares of the mining network earnings and traded on major cryptocurrency exchanges.

Engineered for anyone interested in entering the cryptocurrency mining world, Bitway allows even the most new users the ability to enjoy the benefits of this new cryptocurrency mining network.

On our steady way to success

Bitway is a Bitcoin mining network that offers you the opportunity to take part in a profitable mining operation. Users can invest in the network and accumulate Bitway tokens to receive monthly payouts from the earnings. We stand for the fair distribution of Bitway and our plan is to create a decentralized mining network.

Renewable Hydropowered Energy

With a combination of mobile mining containers, powerful ASIC mining hardware and renewable hydropowered enegery it’s without a doubt a very lucrative investment that brings up substantial returns in as little as a month.

Application-Specific Integrated Circuit

The miners are powered by low cost renewable hydropowered energy, which helps us to maintain environmental friendliness, power and productive efficiency



White paper:

ICO Time: 27 May 2018 – 27 Aug 2018
Country: Norway

Token info

1. Ticker: BTWN
2. Platform: Ethereum
3. Token Type: ERC20
4. Available for sale: 20,000,000 BTWN


1. ICO Price: 1 ETH = 1,000 BTWN
2. Accepting: ETH
3. Soft cap: 2,000,000 BTWN
4. Hard cap: 21,000,000 BTWN


1. April 2018

2. July 2018
Listing on Exchanges

3. August 2018
a.Mining Operation
b. Transparent Mining
c. First Pay out
d. Bitway Explorer

4. December 2018
Bitway Mining Center


Hamid Sarwary: 
CEO & Co-founder

Andreas Sandbæk: 
Back-end Developer

Herman Bernabe:
 Client Manager

Yevhen Bilous: 
SAP Consultant

Dani Sabrosinho: 
Designer animator


AUTHOR: Persijadays
ETH: 0xFe7e4a646ed5d69c1355A24bF8d3f5DAb567Da9d

Виртуальный парк - это платформа, сочетающая в себе современные технологии виртуальной реальности.

Virtual Park created an infrastructure that allows you to fully embody and integrate your ideas on the Virtual Park platform and popularize them!

Thanks to the technological solutions of Virtual Park Company, we will present users with new opportunities to interact with the virtual world, identifying trends in the development of this industry. With the help of tokens, we intend to bring virtual reality to a new level of sensations and possibilities, as well as to make the technology more accessible.

VR Tokens
The VR tokens are the basis of the entire platform and will be released on the blockchain platform according to the ERC-20 standard. VR Token, released as part of a distribution, have a utility function and will be a means of transferring value within the platform. The VR tokens can be used as a means of payment for the purchase of games and modules developed by VR, by both franchised Virtual Parks and regular users. Payment in tokens will allow the buyer to receive a discount of 15%.

Our Community
Not only technologies are developing but also people who use these technologies. Those who are already involved in the new blockchain economy will change the world tomorrow and will bring millions and billions of people with them. These people are the future engine of progress. Our project simplifies the mechanisms of interaction between humans and the virtual world, which allows more and more people to use various services in the field of virtual reality. We open for our customers easy and convenient access to the best practices of the VR market, embodied in the Virtual Park project through tokens.

Our smart contract
The basis for the development of our smart contract lay libraries, which provide a standard of reliability and security of executable code globally. The VR is token created according to the ERC-20 standard with a limited volume.

How it works?
1.For developers
Access to the SDK
Integration into Virtual Park infrastructure
VR Lab: opportunity to realize your own product
VR Marketplace

2.Payment of VR applications in Virtual Park tokens
15% discount when paying for applications in VR tokens
10% discount on the purchase of a franchise
10% discount for VR parks visitors when paying in VR tokens

3.Virtual Parks and VR applications
Marketplace with a large selection of applications for Virtual Parks.
Entertaining, marketing, educational VR apps
VR Games for different age groups and business audiences


AUTHOR: Persijadays
ETH: 0xFe7e4a646ed5d69c1355A24bF8d3f5DAb567Da9d

WebCasino - обзор компании | WebCasino - descripción de la empresa

WebCasino - обзор компании | WebCasino - company overview

Kasinos sind ein Ort, an dem die Leute in verschiedenen Spielen spielen, um zu gewinnen und Geld zu verdienen. Diese Tätigkeit hat in den letzten Jahren verschiedene technologische Revolutionen erlebt. Tatsächlich entwickelt sich das alles so schnell, dass die Besitzer von Spieleseiten versuchen, sich auf alle möglichen Arten hervorzuheben und im harten Wettbewerb zu bestehen.

WebCasino.Bet ist ein neues beliebtes Online-Casino dieser Serie mit den beliebtesten Spielen, einer einfachen Benutzeroberfläche, einem professionellen Kundendienstteam und einem schnell wachsenden Publikum. Das Unternehmen arbeitet rund um die Uhr, um einen besseren Kundenservice zu bieten und das System von Werbeaktionen und Vorteilen zu verbessern, um noch mehr Spieler anzuziehen und zu binden. Webcasino puede usarse como una droga, o siusted tiene un cerebro o nein, nein.

WebCasino.Bet konzentriert sich auf die Bereitstellung qualitativ hochwertigen Kundendienstes in allen Bereichen. Das Casino des Unternehmens bietet eine Auswahl von mehr als 1000 Spielen, darunter Slots, Roulette, Blackjack, Video Poker, Vivir Casino, Tischspiele und Kartenspiele. La actividad es una

Das Team begann im September 2017 mit der Arbeit an dem Projekt. Dies ist ein Glücksspielsystem, dessen Basis die Blockchain ist. Es gewährleistet die Sicherheit der Spielergelder und die Sicherheit jeder Transaktion. Blockchain, eine dezentrale und verteilte Ledger-Technologie, bietet eine beträchtliche und skalierbare Rechenleistung, hohe Genauigkeitsraten und nahtlose Sicherheit bei weitaus niedrigeren Kosten für Post als herkömmliche Systeme. Blockchain in seiner reinsten Form basiert auf der Tatsache, dass mehrere Benutzer dazu beitragen, die Kolasen in einem Stück zu küssen. Daher ist die derzeitige Marktfähigkeit der Blockchain als Markt und Anteil zu bewerten

Die WebCasino-Plattform ist gemäß den Regeln der Niederländischen Antillen (Curaçao) vollständig lizenziert. Das Casino arbeitet mit Softgamings - einem der Weltmarktführer bei der Entwicklung neuer Spielplattformen.

WebCasino.Bet wurde erstellt, um eine Lösung für die Probleme zu finden, mit denen die Glücksspielbranche aktuell konfrontiert ist. Das Team präsentiert ein neues beliebtes Online-Casino, das von überall auf der Welt bequem zu spielen ist. Der Benutzer benötigt lediglich eine funktionierende Internetverbindung und WEBC-Token, um zu spielen. Das Unternehmen verfügt über eine riesige Auswahl an interessanten Spielen mit benutzerfreundlicher Oberfläche. Ein professionelles Kundenservice-Team ist jederzeit bereit, Benutzerfragen zu löschen oder Fragen zu beantworten.

WebCasino.Bet enthält ein Zahlungssystem, das mit der Blockchain-Technologie arbeitet, um die Komplexität von Wetten und Gewinnen zu vereinfachen. Dies hilft beim Verwalten von Spielen und beim Nachverfolgen von Gewinnen auf transparente und sichere Weise. WebCasino.Bet wird Ethereum mit intelligenten Verträgen verwenden, um Token zu verteilen. Dies bedeutet Popularität, Unveränderlichkeit und das Vorhandensein aller Bedingungen für die Erfüllung von Bedingungen, die Integration von Token und die Transparenz aller Daten.

Casino ICO ist eine Spendenaktion für die WebCasino.Bet-Plattform. Mit seiner Einführung wird das Unternehmen in der Lage sein, ein profitables Online-Casino mit einem schnell wachsenden Publikum zu schaffen. Sie bemühen sich jedoch, etwas mehr als nur eine andere Glücksspielseite zu werden.

Das Geschäftsmodell von WebCasino.Bet ist relativ einfach und leicht zu verstehen und auszuführen. Es ist speziell für Liebhaber von Unterhaltungs- und Online-Spielen konzipiert. Dies ist eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, um zu verdienen und finanzielles Wachstum zu erzielen, da auf ihrer Plattform ausgegebene Jetons rentabel verkauft werden. Das Geschäftsmodell stellt sicher, dass jeder Benutzer zum Arbeitsentwurf einer der am schnellsten wachsenden Online-Branchen beiträgt, und stellt sicher, dass das Glücksspiel nicht nur ein angenehmer Zeitvertreib ist, sondern auch ein Geschäft, das Ihr Einkommen bringt.




AUTOR: Persijadays
ETH: 0xFe7e4a646ed5d69c1355A24bF8d3f5DAb567Da9d

Youseeme - Sei finanziell frei


Trotz der relativ großen Anzahl von Vorschlägen auf dem bestehenden Markt für Kryptowährungen haben viele Projekte ihre Ideen dieser Liste hinzugefügt und einige ihrer Chips und Funktionen vorgestellt. Eines der häufigsten Themen unter Entwicklern für Kryptowährung ist die Infrastruktur, die es Benutzern ermöglicht, auf ihrem Kontostand mit ihren digitalen Assets zu interagieren.

Aber egal, wie groß die Anzahl solcher Projekte ist. Auf der Welt gibt es nur sehr wenige qualitativ hochwertige Lösungen, die Maßnahmen zur Popularisierung von Kryptowährungen in der Masse durchführen können. Viele Projekte, die wir immer wieder haben, haben ihre Mängel und Nuancen, die ihre schnelle Entwicklung verhindern.

Das Projekt, das wir heute prüfen werden, setzt auch globale Ziele, um die bestehenden Schranken zwischen Kryptowährungen und Gütern, Produkten und anderen Dienstleistungen unseres Lebens zu beseitigen.


Über das Projekt
Das Projekt selbst hat durch die Einführung der Blockchain-Technologie eine dezentrale Form und wird als "YouSeeMe" bezeichnet. Darüber hinaus ist YouSeeMe selbst ein erweitertes Format für Kryptowährungsgeldbeutel, das heißt, darin können Sie Ihre Münzen nicht nur einlagern, sondern auch jederzeit tauschen.


Gleichzeitig können Sie mit YouSeeMe mit Ihren Freunden in Kontakt treten, so dass Sie jederzeit digitale Assets mit ihnen austauschen oder nach Bedarf teilen können.


Wenn wir über die YouSeeMe-Funktionen sprechen, gibt es mehrere. Erstens kombiniert dieses Projekt zwei parallele Anwendungen, die für eine eigene Gruppe von Funktionen und Werkzeugen verantwortlich sind. Wenn YouSeeMe über eine eigene Krypto-Geldbörse und eine riesige Datenbank mit Geschäften, Cafés und Restaurants verfügt, kann der Benutzer mit Hilfe von Bartcoin die unglaubliche Gelegenheit haben, Krypto-Währungspaare über ein internes Token (BARC) zu handeln und auszutauschen.


Wie bereits erwähnt, wird das YouSeeMe-Projekt eine breite Auswahl an Produkten und Dienstleistungen anbieten, bei denen jeder Händler seinen Benutzern des YouSeeMe-Systems ein einzigartiges Treueprogramm anbieten kann. Dank dessen wird der Benutzer in der Lage sein, die erhaltenen Punkte zu sammeln, und entweder gegen ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung, oder als Auszahlung in Form von Fiat-Gewinnen. Mit YouSeeMe einzukaufen, wird ein Vergnügen sein, da Sie immer über Ihren aktuellen Kontostand informiert sind und Ihre aktuellen niedrigsten Provisionen und andere Kosten umrechnen können.


Es ist wichtig zu wissen, dass diese Anwendungen für alle Arten von Smartphones verfügbar sind, was sie nicht nur praktisch, sondern weltweit macht. Mit YouSeeMe können Sie schließlich für das Produkt bezahlen, ob Sie es kaufen möchten oder nicht, ob es sich um öffentliche Verkehrsmittel handelt oder ob Sie ein Restaurant mieten möchten. All dies wird dank YouSeeMe und sogar ohne Bankkarte verfügbar sein, was meiner Meinung nach sehr praktisch und praktisch ist!


Die Details der ICO
Wie Sie bereits verstanden haben, wird das lokale Token (BARC) verwendet, um die meisten Funktionen dieser Systemfunktionen auszuführen. Sie selbst wurde auf Basis der Ethereum-Blockchain der Standard-ERC-20-Token entwickelt. Insgesamt werden für die Entwicklung der Plattform 165 Millionen Münzen mit einem Anfangswert von 1 EUR pro 1 BARC ausgegeben. Das Entwicklungsteam bot den Teilnehmern des vorläufigen und öffentlichen Verkaufs jedoch verschiedene Promotionen und Boni. Der Erlös aus dem Verkauf wird für die Entwicklung dieses Projekts verwendet.

Die Verteilung der Token ist wie folgt:

2019-03-01_18-45-34 2.png

Angesichts der großen Anzahl solcher Projekte ist es schwer zu sagen, welche von ihnen eher zum Erfolg verurteilt ist, die Nachfrage schafft jedoch ein Angebot. Daher das Entwicklungsteam und die Idee in Form eines YouSeeMe-Projekts. Um seine Eigenschaften zu studieren, ist es jedoch notwendig, sich mit den spezifischen Merkmalen der bestehenden Wettbewerber auseinanderzusetzen.

Daher empfehle ich Ihnen dringend, das Whitepaper des Projekts sorgfältig durchzulesen, bevor Sie aktiv an diesem Projekt teilnehmen. Dazu habe ich alle erforderlichen Listen mit Informationsquellen, in denen Sie alle erforderlichen Informationen zu YouSeeMe finden. Hiermit endet meine Besprechung. Bis zum nächsten mal!


Official resources of YouSeeMe project:

Autor: Persijadays

ETH: 0xFe7e4a646ed5d69c1355A24bF8d3f5DAb567Da9d

Youseeme - Be Financially Free

Despite the rather large number of proposals already existing in the market of cryptocurrencies, many projects add their ideas to this list, while introducing some of their chips and features. One of the most common topics among crypto-currency developers is the infrastructure that would allow users to interact with the real world faster and more comfortably having digital assets on their balance.

But, no matter how large the number of such projects. In the world, there are still very few high-quality solutions that can carry out any actions regarding the popularization of cryptocurrencies in the masses. Many projects that we have repeatedly considered with you have their flaws and nuances that prevent their rapid development.

The project, which we will consider today, also sets global goals, seeking to destroy the existing barriers between cryptocurrencies and goods, products and other services of our life.


About the project
The project itself has a decentralized form through the introduction of Blockchain technology, and it is called as otherwise – YouSeeMe. Moreover, YouSeeMe itself is an extended format cryptocurrency wallet, that is, within it you as a user can not only store your coins, but also trade them at any time convenient for you.

Design feature
If we talk about the features of the project YouSeeMe, there are several. First, this project combines two parallel applications, each of which is responsible for its own group of functions and tools. If YouSeeMe has its own crypto-wallet and a huge database of various shops, cafes and restaurants, then with the help of Bartcoin the user will have an incredible opportunity to trade and exchange any crypto-currency pairs through an internal token (BARC).


As I said earlier, the YouSeeMe project will offer a huge selection of different products and services, where each merchant will be happy to offer its unique loyalty program to the users of the YouSeeMe system. Thanks to which the user will be able to accumulate the points received, as well as in the future to exchange them either again for some product or service, or cash out in the form of Fiat profits. Shopping with YouSeeMe will be a pleasure, as you'll be constantly aware of your current balance, as well as be able to choose the features you need to convert your current assets with the lowest Commission and other costs.


It is important to note that these applications are available for all types of smartphones, which makes them not only convenient, but available worldwide. After all, with YouSeeMe you will be able to pay for absolutely any type of purchases and services, whether it be public transport, or payment of the rental price, purchase of products, or payment for dinner in a restaurant. All this will be available thanks to YouSeeMe and even without a Bank card, which I think is very convenient and practical!

The details of the ICO
As you have already understood, the local token (BARC) will be used to perform most of the functions within this system. It itself is developed on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain of the standard ERC-20 token. In total, 165 million coins with an initial value of 1 EUR per 1 BARC will be issued for the development of the platform. However, the development team provides various promotions and bonuses to participants of preliminary and public sales. The proceeds from the sales will be directed to the development of this project.

The distribution of tokens is as follows:

2019-03-01_18-45-34 2.png

Given the large number of such projects, it is difficult to say which of them is more doomed to success, however, the demand creates supply. Therefore, the development team and offers the world his idea in the form of a project YouSeeMe. But to study its features, it is necessary to delve much deeper into its distinctive features, relative to existing competitors.

Therefore, I strongly recommend that you read the white paper of the project carefully before taking any active action on this project. To do this, I have prepared all the necessary list of information resources, where you will find all the necessary information about YouSeeMe. On this I my the review ends. Until next time!


Official resources of YouSeeMe project:

AUTHOR: Persijadays
ETH: 0xFe7e4a646ed5d69c1355A24bF8d3f5DAb567Da9d

Windhan is a 108MW green energy flagship project in Kazakhstan, which consists of Green energy Crowdfunding and a trading platform that uses blockchain technology

Hasil gambar untuk windhan

Windhan is a 108MW green energy flagship project in Kazakhstan, which consists of Green energy Crowdfunding and a trading platform that uses blockchain technology to create the next generation of more meritocratic renewable energy assets. This connects the energy of buyers (households and investors or market makers) directly with green energy producers and creates opportunities to buy energy faces below market prices. This is a platform for combining energy developers, investors and consumers through global and decentralized networks using the ERC20 Tokens and Smart contracts that enable energy assets to be funded and launched safer and transparently.Windhan allows decent renewable energy projects to be listed on the platform while adhering to restrictions imposed by applicable law. The platform is equipped with all tools to help developers collect money
by asking for a small investment from a large number of people. Acting as a mediator where investors, as well as customers, are connected with the developer. This inclusive approach will reduce the need for large finances
institutions, thereby accelerating the funding process. After the platform is funded, the token supported by the asset will be printed representing the contribution of each investor. Revenues generated from "Projects" are distributed to investors in the form of energy credits (called project Tokens). Investors will be able to use the Windhan application to pay
their electricity bills with WHN tokens - regardless of their utility company or location. Windhan uses energy tokenisation to standardize, simplify and open globally
energy ecosystem that exists today. Tokenisasi energy ensures liquidity and broadens access to capital. In addition, it provides access to life

Windhan is dedicated

◗ To build a Windhan renewable energy project supported by assets.
◗ To build markets, where producers, investors and consumers can connect, fund and trade renewable energy using the blockchain.
◗ To make crypto tokens that can be digitally traded for financing and trading renewable energy.
◗ To utilize blockchain technology and enable transparent transactions including producers, investors, and consumers through smart contracts.
◗ To connect the renewable energy community throughout the world regardless of boundaries. To take
  important steps to reduce global warming

Adoption of the Blockchain Model in Windhan

The Windhan Project has implemented blockchain technology to help decentralize energy
market, to build transparency, trust and security between producers and consumers. Through
Blockchain technology peer-to-peer transactions occur in a decentralized, creating manner
more transparent for producers, consumers and end users. This reduces costs for energy transactions
excluding governments, companies and third party vendors, creating an economy without limits
around the world. The blockchain adoption in the Windhan Business model allows people to buy and sell
energy among themselves. The idea of ​​building a peer-to-peer-based energy and electricity market not only allows the use of cryptocurrency payments but through blockchain technology transparent exchanges can also occur. In the Energy Sector, reducing costs is a priority. With blockchain, you don't need a third party to do a guarantee because it doesn't matter where you trust your trading partner. Instead, you only have to trust the data on the blockchain. To use the smart grid, a market for trade power is needed at the local level. Rather than creating a centralized market, smart contracts on the blockchain can be used to balance supply and demand locally and allow peer-to-peer trading. Each user can register their preferences in a decentralized ledger (blockchain


Short characteristics of the project

Sales of all electricity generated in the windpark for a
declare the feed-in tariff guaranteed for 15 years (from
during commissioning) belongs to the state
Financial Settlement Center for Support to
LLP Renewable Energy Sources in Kazakhstan

Project Description:

◗ General
For the development of 108MW's first project phase, Windhan Ltd. has received all
required permits, building permits as well as a signed Power Purchase Agreement.
Project construction is ready to begin.
◗ Location
The project will be located in the southeast / east part of Kazakhstan, 250 km west of the city
Almaty (see map below). The geographical location benefits from being stable and strong
east wind coming from the valley. The plot of land needed for wind installations
turbines and access roads, substations and crane areas have been purchased and on
owned by Windhan Ltd. Locations are in steppe lands, without households or farmland,
allows perfect turbine layout and operation.

Equipment & Technology

◗ In the project the developer will install 27 Enercon E-126 (4MW) turbines with 85 meter steel
the tower reaches the height of the knife edge 148 m.

Scheme Project Involves Main Party Structure

Crowdfunding and Trade Platform

Windhan provides a market for consumers and producers alike. We are a blockchain based green energy platform
focusing on B2B, B2C, P2P trading, tokenized energy buying and selling, carbon credits, and utility bills. Electricity producers can monitor the trade of the power they produce, and make their own trade decisions to balance their Windhan portfolio. We also provide opportunities for green
energy producers to list their projects for crowdfunding. WHN Tokens are the main mode of payment for all tokenized energy transactions, discounts, prizes, loyalty and VIP membership programs on our site
platform, made possible due to the use of smart contracts.

> Crypto-currency that can be traded.
> Platform for green energy crowdfunding projects.
> Access anytime, anywhere.
> Buy and sell tokens through energy tokenization.
> Platform for trading carbon credits.
> Loyalty program and VIP membership.
> Multi-user access.
> Platform for payment of energy and investment bills.
> Review your portfolio at any time.
> Dashboard and mobile are easy to use

 application. Send input Saved Community History

What is the Windhan Token?

◗ Windhan Token (WHN) is a revolutionary token. It developed together with Windhan
business because it saves a real final value ensuring liquidity. Tokens accumulate the true value of
energy. Windhan will begin building the first flagship project - a 108 MW wind park in Kazakhstan
2019 and our tokens will collect and store energy immediately. You can use this energy for
your personal needs or sell it to others. This way even contributors from places
Windhan does not operate can participate in the platform. Together with the storage produced
energy, Windhan tokens will also provide the right to invest in new renewable energy projects
and in return receive energy at the most favorable price. This will then increase
token requests from large energy buyers. Windhan Tokens are new players in the world
energy market.


The owner of Windhan Tokens has three options:
◆ Use energy when produced, if the energy is purchased from a development project
in the buyer's home market.
◆ Windhan will physically produce energy, as Windhan enters the token owner's home market
 and began operating under the legal framework of independent energy suppliers.
◆ Sell energy through the Windhan platform to other users before production.
◆ Automatically sells energy to the wholesale market after being produced and received
 energy prices in fiat or cryptocurrency. This leaves no ambiguity at the final settlement price
 because it is sold at market prices at certain times. All energy is sold simultaneously
 wholesale market.

ROI Distribution:

50% Profit for Windhan Token Holders (Featured 108MW
Project + Smart Green Energy Trading Platform)
20% Windhan Management Fee
30% Reserves for Future Projects under Windhan

Token Distribution:

◗ Distribution of tokens during the pre-ICO period and the next period of the Main Sales Token
from 4 weeks will contribute to encourage the growth of the Windhan community, of which 7% is distributed
tokens will be allocated. In addition, the same amount of 2% WHN tokens is distributed
will be given to advisers and partners and will be invested in a green energy platform
development and gas transactions. Windhan team members will receive 8% of WHN tokens
distributed, while parties involved in gift marketing will receive 3% of tokens.

Token And Discount Sales Period:

Cost 1 Token Windhan:

Sales Token Results:

WHN tokens sold during the Sales Token will be used to fund Windhan Energy's work, to continue
development, platform scale for global flagship deployment of Windhan Wind Mill Turbines.
The contribution distribution is as follows:

Marketing and Promotion Costs - 10%
General Operating Costs (Including Law and Finance) - 10%
Spread of Superior Wind Turbines - 80%
(This can change depending on the total cost of the Main Wind Turbine Project)

Windhan Energy aims to reach all milestones on its road map, regardless of funding
amount obtained from Sales Tokens. However, depending on the number of appointees, the road map
will be adapted as needed to develop the most interesting projects first.

Purpose of Sales Tokens:

The Windhan Token (WHN) was made to be the main currency used on the Windhan Platform.
To start using the platform, WHN Tokens will be sold to the contributors who want to be achieved
around 190 Million Euros from 250 Million WHN Tokens to provide incentives to the initial contributors. At first
we will provide 20 Million tokens with a 50% discount at presale and reduce it gradually
approaching our target - 24% discount for 30 Million tokens in the first week, 40 Million tokens at
12% discount in the second week, 40 Million tokens with 6% discount in the third week and 60
Million Tokens with a 3% discount in the last week of ICO. This period will consist of pre-ICO
and four weeks of Main Sales Tokens.
Team Tokens

Team Tokens will be distributed to Energy Windhan management, employees and

contractors involved in building Infrastructure and Platforms. All Windhan Energy
Team tokens will be subject to escrow for a period of 6 to 18 months, with their release link
to some performance variables. The escrow period will begin after the Sales Token.
Bounty Purpose
7,500,000 WHN Tokens have been allocated for Sales Tokens The gift campaign will be displayed

White Paper Translations - 1,000,000 WHN
RUSSIA - 100,000 WHN
HINDI - 100,000 WHN
MANDARIN - 100,000 WHN
KOREA - 100,000 WHN
ARAB - 100,000 WHN
FRANCE - 100,000 WHN
JAPAN - 100,000 WHN
Spain - 100,000 WHN
OWN DOMAIN) - 500,000WHN
To receive a Bounty Token, all participants must send proof of work and their Ethereum to
wallet address to All Bounty Tokens will be distributed after the sale.
Send input Saved Community History

contact us for more detailed information:




Почему Youseeme - Bartcoin - Bartwallet?

Это первый Ewallet, объединяющий функции оплаты и торговли многофункционального устройства. Делитесь с друзьями и семьей, оплачивайте покупки, обменивайте криптовалюту или активы и товары и храните их в своем портфеле кошельков.

Youseeme приложение

Youseeme - это экосистема межсетевых экранов и премий за лояльность, которая объединяет крипто-сообщества и традиционных потребителей. Youseeme позволяет покупателям не управлять различными программами лояльности и выкупать призовые баллы у разных продавцов. Все эти накопленные баллы лояльности (Bartcoin) могут быть потрачены во всех магазинах сети Youseeme (рестораны, магазины и т. Д.). Покупатели сразу узнают о балансе своего кошелька и наличии наличных. Youseeme Wallet предлагает безопасные и быстрые транзакции, онлайн-покупки (M-commerce) и простой перевод денег между кошельками (например: обмен счетами, отправка денег кому-либо по всей стране и т. Д.)

Жетон Барткойн

Bartcoin (BARC) - это протокол, основанный на Ethereum Blockchain (ERC20), где розничные продавцы могут вознаграждать покупателей за различные виды поведения, такие как тратить деньги в своем магазине и принимать обмен информацией с Bartcoin. Затем покупатели могут потратить свои токены Bartcoin на всех трейдеров в сети для будущих покупок или обменять их на платформе Bartwallet.

Бартваллет приложение

Приложение Bartwallet будет запущено в первом квартале 2019 года и будет предлагать торговые решения следующего поколения для криптовалют и токенов. Этот обмен будет поддерживать Биткойн и Эфириум (который придет за другой криптовалютой), а также Барткойн (BARC). Биржевая платформа будет предлагать высокую ликвидность, прозрачные книги заказов и низкие и фиксированные затраты на все сделки. Это приложение может быть установлено на всех типах смартфонов.

Youseeme Bartcoin & Ecosystem

Приложение Youseeme облегчает переход между виртуальным миром и реальным миром, оно позволяет вам тратить деньги на Bartwallet благодаря криптовалюте Bartcoin, поэтому, например, вы можете изменить биткойн, Ethereum или другую криптовалюту на Bartcoin и оплатить покупки через Youseeme у торговцев магазины, рестораны, ...) и всего несколькими щелчками мыши вы можете легко отслеживать историю всех ваших транзакций в Интернете.

Youseeme & Bartwallet в ладони

Сделайте покупку и оплатите через Yousseme eWallet, не нужно использовать кредитную карту. Делитесь тарифами на такси со своими друзьями или просто отправляйте часть арендной платы своему соседу по комнате простым способом, и все это с помощью приложения Youseeme. Покупайте и продавайте свою криптовалюту, где бы вы ни находились, собирайте транзакции и решайте мгновенно менять их на Bartcoin или Euro. Всегда в наличии, смотрите историю транзакций и управляйте своим Bartwallet 24 часа в сутки.

Youseeme это ...

Бартваллет это ...

ICO Подробности
Предварительная ICO и ICO пройдут с 18 февраля 2019 года по 18 мая 2019 года.

Детали токена

Бонус ...

И получите 10 дополнительных BARC, спонсируя свои контакты: как это работает, смотрите FAQ

Распределение токенов

Распределение токенов

Важные даты


Самира мало

Самир Лутфаллах
Генеральный директор - Octave UCME, ME

Дидье Распо
Финансовый анализ и оценка

Наджа Яхьяуи.
Помощник юриста

Силай Ма
Генеральный менеджер

Боб Фегали
Генеральный директор - Octave UCME, AS

Николас Мади
Финансовый консультант

Сильви Киффер
Директор по маркетингу

Марван Бенабдалла
технический директор

Марван Бенабдалла
технический директор

Гийом Водевир
Советник по финансовой безопасности

Шато Алина
по сбору средств

Николя Шеньо
Юрист юрист

YouSeeMe и Bartwallet будут полезными помощниками. Вам даже не нужно использовать кредитную карту. Теперь вы можете совершать покупки и оплачивать их с помощью электронного кошелька YouSeeMe, оплачивать поездки, арендовать места, покупать и продавать свою криптовалюту, где бы вы ни находились, вы можете в любое время обменять ее непосредственно на Bartcoin или Euro. Теперь все всегда доступно и готово, и вы можете управлять Bartwallet 24 часа в сутки.

В заключение я хотел бы сказать, что у такого проекта есть все возможности преуспеть в крипто-сообществе и принести выгоду своим инвесторам в ближайшем будущем.

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АВТОР: Persijadays
ETH: 0xFe7e4a646ed5d69c1355A24bF8d3f5DAb567Da9d

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